
My Bridesmaids | June 5th

I had the best bridesmaids in the World. They were both my “Maid of Honor” because they both hold a different but very special place in my heart.

It’s not usually typical to just have two bridesmaids, but Brandon and I liked the idea of a small wedding. This was perfect because I have two best friends!

Jillian is my sister. We’ve always gotten along; I think the only thing we ever fought about as children was who got to play “mommy” when we played house (oh, and who got to be Britney Spears when we sang;) ). She’s always been there for me, and I’m so thankful for a sister I can easily talk to and trust. Having a sister like Jillian is rare, and I am so happy that I have her.

I met Ashley half-way through my sophomore year in high school. As soon as I met her, I just knew I had to be her friend. She knew who she was at 15 years old (well, as much as a 15-year-old can, haha)! She’s always been the most stylish and confident person I know. I remember wanting to be just like her. We’ve been best friends since!

(Wedding Photography by Scott Cornelius)

Ashley and Jillian were wonderful bridesmaids. I had the most beautiful bridal shower, and fun/strange lingerie shower (am I allowed to mention that?!) and a fun intimate bachelorette party. My girls kept it classy. :)

I feel so blessed to call these two my best friend. Thank you, Jillian and Ashley, for loving me even when I can be unlovable at times. You two have beautiful hearts and y’all made my wedding so fun! I can’t wait to someday do this for you.

How many bridesmaids did you have? Am I the only weird one out there with two maids of honor? :)

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June 5, 2011

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