Nails The Press

N.E.E.T. Magazine

I am so excited to be a contributor for the December issue of N.E.E.T. Magazine.

Stephanie J (editor of N.E.E.T. magazine) asked me if I’d be interested in creating a holiday look for her magazine after she saw my nails on The Beauty Department. I was so excited!!!

What stuck out to me about N.E.E.T. Magazine is that it is eco-friendly. They feature natural and organic products in their magazine. (You can learn more about N.E.E.T. HERE!)

Creating this look and finding colors was a fun challenge! I learned about what “3 Free” means which then turned into me doing some research on products I already own. I now know what I’m putting on my nails!

I am really happy with the outcome of the nails. At first, I thought my idea was crazy, but I got so many compliments from strangers and my friends. One of my friends said they reminded her of vintage Christmas ornaments! Love that!!

I wish I could say that vintage ornaments are what inspired this look…but when BHLDN released their winter bridal gowns the day after I was asked to create a look I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I was so inspired by this dress!! Beautiful, right??

You can check out the manicure and instructions on N.E.E.T.’s website HERE. It is featured on pages 162-163.

Let me know what you guys think! Also, be sure to like N.E.E.T. on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to get their latest and greatest updates!

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December 9, 2011
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December 9, 2011

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