
True & Co Review

I am so excited to share my experience with True & Co today.

Brandon, my husband, follows Kevin Rose on Twitter and he had tweeted about a new company called True & Co. Brandon checked it out and thought I should give it a try since I had recently told him I was in need of some new bras.

True & Co is a new kind of bra service. They bring the bra fitting room to YOU.

This company created a bra algorithm to figure out what bra is right for you. They have a great “Bra Quiz” that you take that helps them determine what your “TRUE” bra size is. (See what they did there? I like it!)

After taking a quiz to find out which bras are right for you and your size you are given some options of bras to pick out. They let you pick three bras and they pick two expert picks that they believe are right for you. If you decide you want to try on these five bras all you do is pay a $45 deposit (refundable) and they are shipped to your home! Once you receive the bras you then have seven days to decide which bras are the best for you.

It was very fun to be able to try on bras without driving to the nearest lingerie store to me. I ended up loving two of them, one being the expert pick which was the best fit of all five! I sent three back. I actually found that 4 out of 5 of the bras fit great but I made myself pick two because I didn’t really NEED four new bras.

All of True & Co’s bras are $45/ea and they only charge you for what you keep. (EXAMPLE: I kept two so they charged me $90.) If you decide that none of the bras work for you, you get your money back! That simple! One of the other great parts of this service is how easy True & Co made it to ship the bras back!

When I first opened the box I was so impressed with the packing! I love sparkle so the glittery paper was a very great impression.

The bras came with great instructions that helped keep the whole process very simple.

So beautiful right?! I loved the options I was able to try on.

This red bra was one of my picks. Not only is it beautiful but it was a great fit!

I’m very happy with my first experience with True & Co. I am excited for this company to grow and to try it out again in the future when this need comes up again.

I will still shop at my usuals but if I’m ever in need of multiple bras at one time again I will happily use True & Co!

I hope you are all able to try this out and hope your experience is just as great as mine was!

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September 10, 2012
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September 10, 2012


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