General Top 5

My Top 5 | July 2012

1 | Lavender Pants

I recently got a pair of lavender pants and they are just amazing!! (if pants can be amazing? because…well…they are.) They are the perfect color for summer PLUS they will look great when Fall comes around. :)

(I found mine at Target for $11! You can also check out this tutorial on how to make your own pastel jeans!)

2 | Ghost Chairs

These Ghost Chairs are so fun! They bring a great modern look to any room. I’m currently trying to convince my husband that these would look great in our dining room. ;)

3 | Gold Dinosaur Earrings

If you know me, you know I have a weakness for anything gold AND dinosaurs, these earrings are a must! Basically…these babies speak for themselves. Haha :)

4 | Hovering Hot Air Balloon

I love this Hovering Hot Air Balloon from BHLDN. We are currently setting up our guest bedroom and I can’t wait to incorporate this!!

5 | Katy Perry Movie

I was so excited when Katy Perry announced a few months ago that she would have a movie release this summer. I saw it this past week (twice!!) and I absolutely loved it. I am not a professional movie critic but I do highly recommend this movie. A super fun summer flick.

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July 16, 2012
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July 16, 2012


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