
Finding the Venue – June 1st

It’s June! It’s June! This is always my favorite month of the year. One of the reasons it’s my favorite month is it’s my wedding month! Well, anniversary month now. :)

I thought it’d be fun to count down the days until my 1-year mark by sharing my favorite details/memories from my wedding/wedding planning process. So…here we go!

I love my wedding venue. I had always wanted an outside wedding. It just always sounded so romantic and so classy (for me at least). I am very lucky my husband supported me on this. It’s pretty crazy to have an outside wedding in June!

Brandon and I searched and searched for the perfect wedding venue. I feel like that was one of the hardest things for us when it came to planning.

There was a house that I always drove by on the way to my parent’s house, and I’ve always loved it. It’s a country styled home that has a big porch with rocking chairs and they always had the perfect wreath on their front door for every season. Plus that house had the most beautiful backyard. So simple and green and it has the perfect amount of flowers for a pop of color and big trees perfectly aligned!

I had mentioned that house to my mom after many appointments at different venues and she said she was pretty good friends with the woman that lives there so she would ask if they would be okay or even interested if we had the wedding there.

And…they were! Thanks to that sweet family Brandon and I had the most beautiful wedding ever (yes, I’m bragging)!! Their yard was so beautiful, all it needed were some white chairs, flowers in mason jars and our beautiful friends and family to show up!

(All Photography by Scott Cornelius)

Big thanks to the McCall Family for letting us get married in your backyard. Brandon and I are so grateful for everything you guys did to help make our day special. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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June 2, 2011
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June 2, 2011

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