
New Years Resolutions | 2012

Happy New Year my friends!! I am so looking forward to 2012!

I made a list of resolutions for my blog, and I wanted to share them with you. Thanks to your comments on my Christmas giveaway I have a better idea of what you want to see. So THANK YOU for participating!!!

Blog more (3-4 times a week – keep me accountable!!!)

Be better at responding and joining the conversations in the comment section

Take my own pictures. With the help of my husband of course. :) (Sorry Pinterest!)

Outfit of the week

Product Reviews

How to stay on budget/how to wear what you already have and turn it into something current. (That makes sense right?!)

Do a makeup tutorial. (Just to forewarn you I am not claiming to be a makeup pro, but if you ever see something and want to know how to do it I can show you!)

More DIY posts. (nails, hair, decorations, accessories, etc.)

More GIVEAWAYS. Aren’t those so fun??


I hope this gets you excited about what’s to come. I know I am!! Thank you for reading! Happy New Year!!! :)

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January 1, 2012
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January 1, 2012

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